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Why set up your own business?
Are you considering setting up your own business? Taking the plunge is a big decision and you may be unsure about the benefits. Sure there are many challenges ahead but here’s the thing to remember – other people manage to
How to handle internal workplace emails
Internal work email communication can be a minefield and a little daunting if you are new to the workplace environment. Here’s some handy hints for corporate newbies or workers who’ve been getting it wrong for too long. Always add a
Copyright Free Images – to use any way you like.
Using other people’s images without permission or a license is a breach of copyright and is seen as theft in the eyes of the law. In short – copying images from the internet and using them on your own site,
How to choose a perfect domain name
Most domain names have already been taken – so finding the ideal name can be difficult. Here’s a few ideas to find your perfect domain name. Use-hyphens. If your name or business name has two words try your search using
Things Rubbing Alcohol (Surgical Spirit) can be used for
Surgical spirit, also called rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol, is a handy thing to have around the home. Typically used as an antiseptic it has a number of uses. I’ve already mentioned how it can be mixed with water and
Be The First With Office Supply Tips…
There’re no tips on this topic yet! Be the first to offer advice on supplying your office – Write a tip on With.Tips… The place to share. The With.Tips office supply category covers a large number of subjects from the
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