Credits and Thanks

We'd like to acknowledge the following for helping make With.Tips as great as it is.

Images and Photos from Pixabay

Pixabay is a free service that shares licence free images for use on websites (and anything else you can think of). The amazing generosity of it's contributors allow for this and we are truly grateful. We'll also be giving thanks to some of the individual contributors, whose images are used extensively throughout With.Tips

Images and Photos from Unsplash

Unsplash is a free service that shares licence free Photographers for use on websites (and anything else you can think of). The amazing generosity of it's contributors allow for this and we are truly grateful. We'll also be giving thanks to some of the individual contributors, whose images are used extensively throughout With.Tips

Images by Pete Linforth

Pete Linforth is an artist who contributes prolifically on Pixabay. His artwork and derivations from it appear frequently on With.Tips! We'd like to take the opportunity to thank him for sharing his work so that it can be used and enjoyed freely.

Please note that mentions here don’t necessarily mean that we have any direct affiliation with the individuals or organisations… we just want to say thanks.