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Ten Top Tips to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
As a Geography teacher, part of my job is to explain how people’s carbon footprints may affect how the climate is changing. Reducing your carbon footprint is an important step in helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change. There

Do you dream of flying aeroplanes?
There is nothing as wonderful as flying an aeroplane and learning to fly can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. But there are also incredible benefits of taking on the challenge: Freedom and adventure: Flying allows you to explore new

4 Healthy Kitchen Habits for Healthy Living
When it comes to healthy kitchen habits, some precautions are more obvious than others. The importance of regularly washing your hands, for example, is something that even small children understand. In addition, wiping down countertops is commonly practiced for

10 Ways to Save Money in the Kitchen
The average American spends about $139 on food every week. Although many people may not realize just how much they’re spending, the reality is that lots of little food purchases add up. That combined with the other expenses that go

Don’t forget to change your clocks!
When do we change our clocks. Many of us rely on smart watches, smart phones and a plethora of connected devices to keep track of time. These marvels of technology will update automatically but older clocks and traditional watches will

5 Ways to Reduce Food Waste at Home
Did you know that 40% of all food in the US is wasted? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a goal of cutting food waste to about 109 pounds per person by 2030. Compare this to the 2010 baseline

How to Plan a Full Kitchen Remodel
With the kitchen being one of the most important areas of your home and probably the area you spend the most time in, you want to make sure it reflects your lifestyle and needs. If you’re looking to remodel your

How to Cure a Common Cold
Sadly there is no cure for a common cold! But there are things you can do to feel better and possibly speed up your recovery. Stay in bed. Plenty of sleep is essential for any swift recovery. Also staying in

Avoid Mouldy Bathroom Horrors
Did you Know? – Bleaching your loo reduces shower mould. Keeping your bathroom looking sparkling also improves hygiene. Here’s some handy tips to avoid a nightmare bathroom. Always use a mould removing and descaling bathroom spray to remove grime from

How to collect rock samples in space
Rock and Roving – Space News Japan’s space agency ( JAXA ) has recently successfully launched and landed 2 robotic explorers on the surface of a 1km asteroid called Ryugu. When the ship Hayabusa 2 arrived at its destination in

How to boil an egg with a perfect runny yolk every time
It can be tricky to boil an egg and achieve that perfect runny yolk. Here’s how to do it. Use eggs at room temperature – NOT straight out of the fridge. Fill a pan with water – enough to cover

Copyright Free Images – to use any way you like.
Using other people’s images without permission or a license is a breach of copyright and is seen as theft in the eyes of the law. In short – copying images from the internet and using them on your own site,

Don’t forget your medicine
It can be too easy to forget to take a tablet or medicine – especially if it hasn’t become part of a routine. Here’s a few tips to help you remember to take those meds… Set an alarm or reminder.

How to cut a Vanilla Custard Slice
Cutting a vanilla custard slice in half can end in a disaster – even with the sharpest knife. The custard simply oozes out from the sides the moment you start cutting into it. To avoid this most disturbing mishap… Carefully

Avoid double denim disasters
Wearing double denim can either look really good or really terrible. Here’s a few tips tip avoid a double denim disaster. Unless it’s sold as an outfit, i.e. a skirt and matching top, don’t try to match similar coloured denim

The Proper Way to Get Rid of Old Appliances
With every appliance replacement comes the question of what to do with the old appliance. You don’t want the replaced appliance taking up space, but you also want to get rid of it in a useful and environmentally friendly way.